
You know what’s on your web site, but do you know what else is said about you on the internet?
When individuals search for your company name linked with your city, one of the first results will probably be an online directory, often with a map to your location and sometimes a brief description. Depending on the source of that information, there may be another link to Directions and More. There you may find customer reviews and other information on your firm.
Part of your marketing goal should be to control what is included in the online directories. You need to know whether or not you are included in the directories - particularly the most popular sites, what information is available on your firm and what others have said about your firm.
Where should you start? The first step is to find out if you are listed. If you are not, you want to apply for a listing. The link below is one of the best I have found for directory listings.
By logging into the directory sites, you can make or update your listing. Many of the smaller directories use information published by infoUSA, more widely known as a list provider. To confirm information on your company, the sites will want to be able to contact your office.
The directory sites can also be used to search for specific businesses, for example, Financial Planner. When you check your listing, you also want to see what categories your firm is listed under. You may want to change categories, or expand your listing to encompass more than one category. How high your company ranks in a search on the directory is influenced by the amount of information on your firm, whether or not reviews are posted and of course, advertising dollars.
Make a habit of checking this information regularly.