content the right words
to tell your story
Words matter more than ever. They shape your story and vision, provide a reason for clients and prospects to visit your sites and provide the rationale for using your services and products. read more
search needs words Internet search engines place top priority on words. Does your site offer the right content? Is it fresh? Is it mobile? Is it credible? read more
copy writing for a wide range of applications Writing starts with understanding your objectives. We ask what does the copy need to accomplish? What is your message? read more

web content

  • Website Concept, Copy, Images
  • Online Newsletters
  • Blogs
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media


  • Client & Prospect Presentations
  • Pitch Books
  • Animated Power Points
  • Video Scripting
  • Speeches

printed materials

  • Company & Product Brochures
  • Executive Profiles
  • White Papers
  • Newsletters
  • Direct Mail Campaigns

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Our Expertise

is telling your story effectively, using the right words that help you sell your expertise or products.

"Precision of communication is important, more important than ever, in our era of hair-trigger balances, when a false or misunderstood word may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act." - James Thurber

Explore our Capabilities


The story guides the narrative, shaping the copy.

Good writing always begins with a purpose, a desired response from the audience. This goal guides the words and sharpens the focus of the writing. It keeps the message on target, educates the audience on the subject and seeks the most persuasive mental positioning.


Good copy writing seeks the most effective way to tell a story and to influence the reactions of the audience.
  • Conveys the benefits to the audience
  • Establishes the credibility of the author
  • Provides the right amount of education
  • Respects the customer
  • Reads clearly and smoothly


We have written materials reviewed by the SEC, NASD and now FINRA for more than 20 years. That experience in invaluable in writing marketing materials that pass muster.

In a litigious society, bounded by regulations and laws, words need to be chosen and used with care. For years, we have written documents and marketing materials subject to SEC and FINRA review. That experience helps keep our clients out of the hot seat and their marketing compliant.

our ceo Linda Ferentchak

Linda Ferentchak, founder and primary consultant, has written for businesses from Fortune 500 companies to one-person investment advisory firms, covering a wide range of industries, with special focus on financial services. Her broad knowledge of investment approaches, industries and marketing psychology helps shape messages that sell.


Linda's philosophy

To be effective, marketing communications cannot be generic, one-size-fits-all. Good content focuses on the unique aspects of the business, where the business excels and the benefits it offers customers.

Every project starts with asking the right questions and then listening. We never assume we know your story, but rather listen to discover the essence of the company, its vision, strengths, and personality.

Then we develop the flow and the right words to tell that story effectively in a compelling, thought-provoking style.


About Us

Financial Communications Associates is a marketing communications firm, specializing in communications to business and investor audiences, including individual investors, the financial media, analysts, brokers, trade publications, shareholders, and the investment community.

our Company

Financial Communications Associates
Morrison, Colorado USA
Telephone: 303.619-3411